Cuddle Season
Are you looking for a boyfriend? This is not the perfect time for that. Riots, looting, racism, selective justice, dictatorship, loss of sovereignty, massive attack of pests, more bankruptcy, intense hunger and poverty around the world in the midst of a pandemic. This is not the time to look for a dick. This is a situation where our world struggle, our world that is in great trouble, where there are no progress to everyone except to those capitalists covered by greed and those who are in position that hold power covered in wrath.
Some people are still thinking how to stand as an individual in a midst of a crisis. Keeping our stereotypes and discrimination alive, but did you know these kind of mindsets will just pull the world further to its greatest abyss. This is not the time for food porn while others don’t have something to eat. This is not the time to celebrate because a lot of us are still mourning. This is not the time to be luxurious because some really don’t have money to buy a food to eat. However this is the time to cuddle everyone, Season of cuddles. Show your love to all, not just to your countrymen but to the people around the world. Some of us are in a great depression and some of us seek for attention, now this is the time to show your affection.
Cuddle is just the first step, where after we can now embrace and accept the differences of an individual, along with this is respect and acceptance will rise and cover our world. No more stereotypes, hatred and greed. Love and peace will prevail if all of us will think and dream about it. Love and peace will rise if we pursue respecting our differences and the most important love and peace will be granted if we pray.
Dreaming about the good of everyone is not bad, we can still do something to attain world peace using Unity, it is the combined units from A-Y. Unit Z was not included because these are the people who won’t cooperate and will just think about their own good, the people from unit Z will always be the last because no one will accompany the, from their rude attitude.
Unity will be our last step to attain peace and we cannot go there if we will not make our first step hence, this is a time for cuddles. This is the cuddle season.